New Beginnings
This is a new blog. New Space. New Beginning. Starting right before a momentous occasion: The Full Solar Eclipse in is a powerful time, and given that it is also Mercury Retrograde, not usually a time I advise my students to "begin anew". HOWEVER...with the power of the eclipse, and my art methodology and portfolio NOT being new...this is more like new life, and new blood, being poured from the proverbial chalice (womb) into the ethers.
Today I taught the first class of the Lemurian Mystery School called Unlocking Ancient Gifts. In this class we are activating the energetic codes from ancient lineages that will assist women in gaining full access to their creative gifts. The womb space (whether you have a physical womb or not) is the space of the void, the darkness from which ALL of life is birthed. Many women are entirely disconnected from the womb space. In the world of creativity and art, as women, our Womb-Creations offer us a pathway to our most authentic creativity. Yes, a lot of art (most in fact I would say) comes from the mind. The mind conjures up something or someone it wants to paint, draw, mold, write, and begins the process of intending to create a specific "thing". Thinking about process and form is what happens in art schools, writing schools and many other outlets of "teaching creativity".
Of course there's the organic spiritual process of Michelangelo who "saw" his creations and merely carved away what was not necessary. Visionary Art, which has some similarities to Womb-Creation Art in that it is not "of the mind", but involves the process of either channeling or "seeing" with the third eye, from "visions" that come through either in a meditative state, a shamanic journey, a plant medicine journey, or a state of pure ecstasy - freed from the restrictions of the mind.
Although sharing some similarities with Visionary Art, Womb-Creation Art is entirely its own process, because it is a process of manifesting what needs and wants to be birthed into manifestation in the present time. Womb-Creation Art actualizes the longings of the void to be life itself, and much like a baby being conceived and born and you having no idea what he or she will look like, talk like, be like...Sacred Womb Art is birthed in that same energy. You are not in control of the process, you are the incubator to life, and then the manifestor of life's longings.
Many women today are beginning to awaken to a remembrance of who we are and why we are here. We are not here to add more to the world of the ego and the mind space, we are here to give birth to the creativity born of the womb. The womb is the place of the void from which all of creation emerges. The womb is the Sacred Chalice which takes in the light of the Divine Masculine, nurtures it, incubates it and then pours forth with a creation only capable of being birthed by the Divine Feminine. It is unique, it is powerful, and it is most of all, authentic. The mind is certainly a valuable asset, but it is also a container filled with conditioning of many lifetimes. It is filled with the limiting beliefs and restraints that block our true ancient gifts.
Once we step foot onto the path of Womb-Creation, there is no turning back. We release the floodgates of our creative power and allow the Divine guidance to flow through our bodies and out into the world. What will be born in this Womb-Centered creative movement will be art of all kinds, paintings, pottery, drawings, weavings, poetry and so much more, that will move out into the world of form and anchor in new codes of a healing destiny. I welcome you all to join me on this journey!