Quantum Journey
“Quantum Journey” 48” x 60” Original acrylic and mixed media on canvas.
At the heart of the quantum universe exists a journey into the infinite. The place where limitlessness reveals itself to the soul. The Quantum Journey is the eternal journey to Unconditional Love. A Journey
“Quantum Journey” 48” x 60” Original acrylic and mixed media on canvas.
At the heart of the quantum universe exists a journey into the infinite. The place where limitlessness reveals itself to the soul. The Quantum Journey is the eternal journey to Unconditional Love. A Journey
“Quantum Journey” 48” x 60” Original acrylic and mixed media on canvas.
At the heart of the quantum universe exists a journey into the infinite. The place where limitlessness reveals itself to the soul. The Quantum Journey is the eternal journey to Unconditional Love. A Journey